Sunday, August 24, 2008

Being Back

Things are funny again. This news is not as big as the news that Addis appears to be cancer free. She will have scans for 2 more years after which the oncologist feels that, for this type of cancer, the danger will be passed.

My field of vision narrowed remarkably back in April. I was spending 6-8 hours a day at the hospital for 2 weeks. I thought about Addis, my family and Addis some more. For the next couple months, there were a lot of doctor visits, unexpected trips to the hospital, and a stay with us when I learned to change an IV bag.

About a month ago, something struck me as funny. Then it struck me as a possible blog post. Then it struck me that blog posts had not struck me for quite some time. Now there's something called Getting Back Into It that I am trying to do.

I emailed a new friend. She had asked me for some advice on homeschooling. I told her what I had done which included the time I wrote down the wrong number of children on the How Many Children Are You Schooling section. My advice was to not do that. On that same sheet, I wrote down the wrong grade for one of the children I remembered I had. I also astutely advised to not do that either.

I call this a Category 3, possibly Category 4 Humility Storm. These storms are bad for my pride. They are good for my soul.

It's good to be back.


Krissee Danger said...

I am so glad you're back!!! I love reading your blog so much. I will be calling you this week. I miss you a ton. If you want to read my blog it is at but it isn't nearly as funny as yours. Love you!

David Ray said...

Really good news about Addis.

Glad you're back.

Jenny said...

It's GREAT to read Marty again. Welcome back.

Waldemar Family said...

Welcome back. Reading your blog makes me smile and remember how much I love you:)


WHOOHOOO! Things are funny again!

Neely and Steve said...

Me misses Marty. Welcome back.

Jenna said...

Marty! C'mon!!! there's like 13 blog posts swirling in that noggin, right? i'm linking to you, so you better come up with something soon.

no pressure.

love you.